Dairy Delights Collection Read online

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  "Do you mind if I invite more friends over for…dinner?" Victor said.

  Megan bit her lip, hand rubbing her quivering belly. His question scared her, as much as it thrilled her. It was wrong in so many ways. Her whole job situation was wrong, but it was also the most fun she'd had working in her life.

  "Let's see how Friday night goes," she said. "But I probably will be more open to suggestions and additional guests afterwards."

  The guys looked happy. Megan felt good. Who knew earning some extra "milk money" could be so rewarding, in so many different ways.


  * * * * *

  Making the Milk Maid

  (A Dairy Farm Human Cow Story)

  "Dammit, I should've sold your stupid ass and bought a ticket to LA," Stephanie said, brow creasing as her little car gave a sputter. She looked around nervously at the all but empty farmlands. She hadn't passed another car in an hour, and only occasionally saw a house. "I'd already be there, and not have to worry about if you'll break down in the middle of Nowhere USA."

  That twenty-two year old clunker was a reminder what an epic failure her life in Chicago had been. She'd thought Chicago would be fun and exciting after growing up on a farm in Ohio. Nope. It was all work, work, work. Sleep a few hours, and work some more just to make ends meet. Apparently a high school diploma and a killer set of tits only helped if she was willing to be a hooker or a stripper.

  She found a better way. Secret surrogate to a filthy rich couple.

  Stephanie had enough cash to live a couple years, so was headed to LA to find fame, fortune, and some really great parties. With a lot of time in the gym, she'd mostly regained her former pre-pregnancy body, only now she had an awesome milk-laden set of tits. That would go away, but she was enjoying them while they lasted. So had her many dates, too.

  "I bet you girls are going to be real popular in LA," she said, and laughed as she cupped on breast. "Got milk? Yeah."

  She threw her head back and laughed. The clunker chose that moment to give up the ghost. It sputtered, stalled, started with a roar, and then made a loud "clunk" sound, and…the engine died. Stephanie eyes were burning as her whole body tensed up, and she struggled turning the wheel to make it roll onto the shoulder of the road.

  "I hate you! I hate you!" she cried, pounding on the steering wheel. Stephanie tried to start the car. It wheezed and whined, but wouldn't turn over. She kept trying, until the car no longer responded to the key. "The world hates me! Aaagghh!"

  The blonde beauty got out and kicked the side of the car. Then kicked it again. It didn't make her feel any better.

  Finally, sighing deeply, she leaned back against the car and looked around. She was dressed to impress, so any man seeing her broken down would be more than happy to help. Her hair was long and blonde, and she had big blue eyes, and of course the milk-swollen tits. Her outfit was a white sports bra that really displayed her breasts to their best effect, skimpy daisy dukes, and black patent Mary Jane stilettos.

  Now, if only someone would drive by…

  After an hour of waiting, Stephanie started walking up the road. There had to be a farmhouse around there somewhere. As she reached a low rise, a pickup came up the road behind her. It slowed down to look at her car, then continued on towards her. Stephanie smiled big and waved. She was so happy when the truck stopped beside her.

  "Hey, guys," she said, seeing four young men in the four-door pickup. All looked like farm hands, not to mention how muscular and handsome they were. Stephanie's breath caught as she looked at them. Gave her a little tingle, and a little hope to mingle. "Can you help me? My stupid car broke down."

  "Yes, ma'am," the driver said. The front seat passenger got out, and waved Stephanie in between him and the driver. She eagerly squeezed in, thrilled someone would finally help her. "Let's go back and take a look see."

  "I'm Tom," the other man she was squeezed between said, and offered his hand. She shook it. He indicated the driver. "That's Randy. He's the foreman of Happy Acres Dairy Farm. Zeke is behind him, and that's Bill behind me."

  "Hi, guys, pleased to meet you all," she said. "I'm Stephanie Moore."

  "Oh, you're name is moo-or," Bill said, and the men all grinned.

  "Ah, funny. You guys work on a dairy farm, so yeah, that's funny," she said. Stephanie kept a smile on her pretty face, but she wasn't impressed. "How long do you think it'll take to fix my car?"

  Randy shrugged as they pulled up in front of it. "Don't know until we look at it."

  The young men all piled out of the car. Tom paused long enough to offer her a hand out. She suspected he was more interested in a opportunity for a bit of physical content. His eyes were intent on her soft, delicate, manicured hand in his big, rough hand.

  Well, at least these farm boys are easy to please, she thought.

  They seemed to be impressed her oil and water levels were good. The fact it wouldn't turn over at all bothered them. And that worried her to no end.

  "It was turning over when it first stalled," she said. "But after a while it stopped. Does that help?"

  Randy gave her an unreadable look. "Yeah. The battery is probably dead, too."

  "Are they expensive?"

  "Sorta, but that depends on how much money you make," he said. "But if you just ran it down trying to start the car, we should be able to recharge it. No problem."

  "We're gonna have to pull it up to the farm to work on," Tom said. "You think Farmer Fred will mind?"

  Randy frowned. He looked at Stephanie. Looked longer at her tits, before his eyes went up and down her body a few times.

  "Somehow I don't think that old reprobate will mind at all," Randy said, and they all laughed.

  Stephanie smiled, but squirmed and bit her lip. She wasn't hearing anything she wanted to hear. Nothing but bad news.

  "This sounds like it's going to take a long time and will be complicated," she said, looking worriedly from face to face. "And expensive. I have a little money, but I'm heading for LA and won't have a real job until I get there."

  Truth was, she had enough money after taxes to live a moderately nice life for at least five years in LA. If she could control her appetite for new clothes and nice things. If she had to buy a new car, that could take up to a year's living expenses away. She wanted to go without a real job as long as possible, while she took acting classes and went on auditions.

  "What do you do?" Zeke said.

  "I'm an actress," she said, and waited for the scorn on their faces. It was the usual reaction.

  "Cool," he said. "You been in any movies?"

  She felt supreme relief. No scorn, just looks of wonder on their handsome faces. A thrill raced her up spine.

  "No, just plays," she said. They didn't need to know the last play she was in was her high school production of Romeo and Juliet. She was, of course, Juliet. "I'm going to California to be in movies and on TV, though."

  "That's awesome," Randy said. "You are certainly beautiful enough for movies."

  The other young men nodded, eyes all over her. Stephanie beamed her brightest smile. She had a feeling they would do anything for her. Especially since they couldn’t keep their eyes off her hair, tits, and butt.

  I love men, she thought.

  "Don't they call the auditions in Hollywood cattle calls?" Bill said.

  All four of them looked straight at her chest. Her sports bra displayed a lot of sexy cleavage, as she'd intended.

  "Ah, yes, back to the cow thing again," she said, shaking her head. "But yes, I believe they do."

  "Sorry," Randy said, shrugging with a grin. "We work on a dairy farm, so we see a lot of cows."

  Stephanie watched as they backed the pickup to the car, chained them together, and then Tom took her keys and got into the car, while Stephanie took his place riding shotgun in the pickup. They drove slowly, towing her car and Tom behind. The farm was a good three miles up the road, and then down a long dirt road. The farmhouse, barns, and other outbuildings weren't even
visible from the road.

  A stout, white-haired man in dirty denim overalls was waiting when they arrived. He didn't looked pleased. His frown went away when she got out of the car, eyes traveling up and down her body several times before locking on her big boobs.

  "Hi! I'm Stephanie Locklear," she said, walking straight up to him. His eyes remained on her jostling tits the whole way, until she thrust out her hand. "Pleased to meet you, sir."

  "Hello, young lady. I'm Fred MacDonald," he said. "Everyone calls me Farmer Fred, though."

  MacDonald? Farmer, she thought, looking at his head of thick white hair. And old. Why don't they call you Old MacDonald? You have a farm, after all.

  Despite her silent amusement, she kept a straight face.

  "What you boys got going on here?" he said, turning to Randy.

  "The lady's car broke down," Randy said. "She ran the battery down trying to restart, so we brought it up here to work on. You mind?"

  "Hhmm," Farmer Fred said, frowning. Stephanie fidgeted, and that drew his eyes. They went straight to her boobs. "There are a lot of chores that need a doing."

  "I'll do what I can to help," Stephanie said, bowing her back to better display her tits. All four of them were staring at her chest. They all looked like they wanted a taste, too. A hot tingle developed between her legs as she gave them a sultry look. "Whatever you want me to do."

  Stephanie thought they'd fix her car no matter what, but she was desperate. She was willing to do anything necessary to get it fixed and get her back on the road to LA. And she'd never been above using her body to get what she wanted.

  "Are you lactating?" Farmer Fred said. "Your top is getting wet."

  Stephanie felt her face heating up. Her hands immediately rose up to cup and lift her boobs. The girls were filling pretty taut, pretty full. She really needed to get the breast pump out of the trunk and give herself some relief, though her doctor warned her that as long as she continued to milk herself, she'd continue to lactate.

  "Sorry, I recently had a child," she said. They glanced at the car, as if looking for the child. "I lost him. I'd rather not talk about it."

  They looked abashed, troubled. She fought the smile that threatened. Sympathy might get her all she wanted. But it didn't last, and Farmer Fred gave her broken down car a severe look.

  "Still, it's going to take time to fix that car," he said. "A lot of time wasted, and chores going undone."

  "Well, we could work on it after work and between chores," Randy said. "It'll take longer to fix that way, but still."

  Farmer Fred seemed unconvinced. He glanced at her chest again, licking his lips. Stephanie stiffened as a thought hit her. She really hoped it wouldn't come to that, but Farmer Fred's four farm hands were strapping young men. And she's done worse.

  "What if I helped around the house, like cooking and cleaning," Stephanie said slowly. That didn't get Farmer Fred's interest. "And other things, too."

  "Other things?" Randy said, interest piqued as he stared at her chest.

  Stephanie felt a thrill race up her spine. Or was it a chill? Her whole body felt energized. Her belly clenched and a warm wetness spread between her legs. With a big swallow, she pulled her sports bra off to reveal her big, milk-laden boobs.

  "Got milk? I do," she said. She gave her boobs a firm squeeze, and milk came out to dripped off them onto the ground. If she squeezed hard enough, Stephanie could make them squirt. "I'll do…whatever, whoever you ask me to while you are working on my car."

  "Really?" Farmer Fred said, pressing up close and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. One thick, callused hand cupped and squeezed a boob. "You are willing to do, to be anything I ask?"

  "Y-Yes," she said, held by his determined eyes. "Anything."

  Stephanie expected him to lower his face to her breasts. That's what most men did once the girls came out to play. Instead, he palmed the back of her head and kissed her long and hard. That kiss was so intense it sent ripples throughout her body, leaving her breathless. Then he kissed his way down to her boobs, before sucking in a sensitive nipple.

  "Mmmm," he said, sucking hard on that nipple.

  Stephanie gasped, running her fingers through his hair as she felt the let down. She so loved it when her boobs gave up the milk. Even the breast pump felt good to her.

  "Ooooh," she moaned, feeling milk flowing into his mouth. "That's it. That's how you do it, baby."

  "Mmm," Farmer Fred said, and pulled away with a big smile. "Yes, she's got milk alright. Good milk, too."

  He pushed her to Randy. That move surprised Stephanie, who stumbled in her sky high heels. The foreman caught her, and immediately wrapped her up in his powerful arms. And kissed her long and hard. He spent less time on her lips than the farmer, and started kissing his way down to her boobs. Randy motorboated her, licked her tits all over, and finally sucked in a nipple and sucked really sweet and hard.

  He was rewarded with hot milk.

  "Mmm, mmm, mmmm," he said. "Good milk!"

  Stephanie was spun around by Tom, who she hadn't noticed moving up. His face dropped straight to her tits, taking in a nipple. He sucked longer and harder on her breasts, sucking down a lot more milk than the other two before him. Finally, he stepped aside and let Zeke have a go at her.

  "Oh, hey," Stephanie said, head spinning.

  She didn't realized they'd all jump on her like that when she made the offer. Like Farmer Fred, Zeke palmed her head and forced her into a long, intense kiss while his hands explored a lot more than just her boobs. He, too, suckled for a long moment, sucking down her sweet milk.

  "You're like a beautiful human cow," Zeke said.

  Stephanie didn't even know what to say to that. The four hands all laughed and then "mooed." She felt her face heat up, but then Zeke had left her whole body hot and flushed and tingling. Oh, the places he touched!

  Bill quickly took her over. She was pushed back against the pickup, as he felt her up and kissed her lips, all over her face. Then he kissed his way down to her boobs, and like Randy started off by motorboating her. When he sucked in a tingling, sore nipple, his hands began to roam her body. One hand slipped under her daisy dukes, and rubbed her aching, hot pussy. It was kind of embarrassing realizing just how wet she was down there, too.

  "We're going to work real hard for you, Miss Stephanie," Bill said, licking his lips after suckling milk. "It's going to be good."

  "You boys get back to work," Farmer Fred said. He pulled Stephanie away from Bill, and started leading her towards the farm house. "I'll show Miss Stephanie where she'll be…um…sleeping."

  Her sports bra was dangling from one hand, so Stephanie started to put it back on. The farmer stopped her.

  "That won't be necessary," he said.

  "Ah," she said, now knowing what he intended once they got inside.

  The farm house was pretty old, and pretty typical. It was just a single story, though, with three tiny bedrooms. She worried he was leading her to his bed, which was where she'd spend every night tending to his needs and desires. But she was pleasantly surprised when he took her to a drab guest room with a twin-sized bed.

  "This is…um…nice," she said. There was a tiny closet and a tall chest of drawers. "So, what kind of chores do you want me to do?"

  He squared off with her, hands stroking her hair and face as he looked her over with relish. Stephanie felt her juices flowing. It felt a lot hotter, and it was harder to breathe.

  He unfastened her daisy dukes, then unzipped them. "Oh, the usual expected of beautiful young women. Cooking. House cleaning. Let us suckle and fuck you."

  "Ooookay," she said. He started feeling her up, eyes intent on her boobs. "Are the boys working on my car right now?"

  "Oh no," he said. "They have chores first, besides they have to charge up the battery first to figure out what's wrong."

  She didn't like the fact they weren't immediately working on her car, but it seemed reasonable that they had to charge up the battery first. It was times li
ke this she really wished she knew more about cars. Every time someone worked on her car she felt like she was being ripped off, totally fucked over. Well, this time she literally would be fucked by her mechanics.

  Seems appropriate, she thought. At least more honest.

  Stephanie couldn't be angry with them, since they weren't blackmailing her for sex to fix the car. She made the offer, and they accepted. Anything that happened was squarely on her shoulders.

  "Take off the shorts," he said.

  Stephanie glanced up warily. She'd never done anyone as old as Farmer Fred. It was like banging her grandfather. But she forced a smile on her face and wiggled out of her faded denim short-shorts. He gave her bikini waxed crotch an appreciative look. Then she sat on the bed and lifted a foot to unbuckle her Mary Jane stilettos.

  "Leave the shoes on," Farmer Fred said. "They're sexy and won't get in the way."

  She quirked a brow at the farmer. Her smile was genuine.

  "Oh, Farmer Fred, you are a frisky fellow, aren't you?"

  "You don't know the half of it, Missy," he said, starting to shed his boots and overalls.

  Stephanie was pleasantly surprised at how fit the elderly farmer proved to be. All that hard work did a body good. He was stout, but it was all muscle.

  He crawled up onto the bed, on all fours above her. Stephanie locked eyes with him, needing to feel the connection before getting down and dirty. He had such hungry eyes. And his cock was long, hard, and thick.

  "Is that for me?" she purred, wrapping long, delicate fingers around his shaft.

  "Every inch," he said, spreading her legs.

  He lay atop her, sinking into a deep kiss right off. Stephanie wrapped her arms around him, gentling raking long nails down his back as he felt her up. They kissed and petted for the longest time, before Farmer Fred mounted her.

  "Oooooh, yes," she groaned, feeling that penetration all the way into her toes. "Oooh. Yes."

  Stephanie's body shuddered. She loved penetration too much. He was long and thick enough to really make her feel it, too. Every thrust felt better than the last, as he went deeper and deeper.